Friday, November 5, 2010

Beautiful and Good

This morning, November 2, 2010, I just came back from voting and so got to have the experience of the fresh air and sunshine of our beautiful Minnesota. As I look around me I see God my Creator speaking loudly from everything I look at – the trees as they ready themselves for winter, the white puffy clouds in front of the blue sky, and the gushing water of the Mississippi. Existence speaks to me of the primacy of God the Father; this Person of God self-expresses as the Word; that which exists and self-expresses is full of life and change, the Spirit. I see everything  imaging God to me of this three-fold relationship within the Blessed Trinity. It is beautiful and good. May God be praised!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, RoseMae for your thoughts and for your image of the spider web. I just read a reflection on a web which reminded me that we can step back when we feel entangled in a web of fear. We can step back and become an observer of our own lives, looking at the entire pattern rather than a single strand of fear. (In one explanation of the Sioux tradition, a spider (Iktomi)represents fear of the unseen.) We are able to keep our eyes open for connections and patterns. No one need ever be enslaved by any fearsome part when Spirit-spun pathways are available for walking into other possibilities. I see the uncountable connections in the web as so many possibilities for choice. Jan, osf
